From: Liz Lloyd Bennett

Feb 21, 2025

Dear Parents-To-Be,

Stop worrying about whether you'll have a boy or a girl!

This book will teach you:

  • How to make sure you have a girl.
  • How to make sure you have a boy.
  • When to have sex to conceive a boy or a girl.
  • What positions are best to conceive a boy or girl.
  • What specific foods you should be eating to tip the scales in your favor.
  • What does acidity and alkalinity have to do with having a girl?
  • What time of your cycle is best to conceive.
  • What methods DON'T work.
  • To Douche or not and how it will affect the gender of your baby.
  • Charting your ovulation. What are the best methods and why it's important.
  • How having an orgasm affects the sex of your baby.
  • Deep penetration or shallow? It makes a difference on the sex of your baby.
  • How the sex of the baby is determined.
  • Which are the most effective methods.
  • What is the Cervical mucus method and how you can use it to your advantage.
  • The Basal Body Temperature Method of determining ovulation.
  • How your body temperature affects the sex of your baby.
  • How tight fitting clothes will affect the gender of your baby.
  • How many times you should have sex to conceive a boy or a girl.
  • What does abstinence have to do with determining the sex.
  • How Salt, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium could affect the sex.
  • How the moon might affect the gender of your baby.
  • Which methods cost money and which ones are free.
  • Which methods work best for a boy and which are best for a girl.
  • Which methods are MYTHS and which ones aren't.

In the old days your parents didn't have a choice but to wait until the baby was born to find out the gender.

Now, when you tell them you're going to find out the gender in the ultrasound, they say: "It takes the fun out of it".

Well, times are changing!!!.

Now, you can know what you're having before you even get pregnant!!!

This book shows you the secrets of Sex Selection, So you can choose your babies sex

...before you even have sex!

Customer Testimonial: What I love best about the book...

Dear Liz,

I just finished your book and can't wait to put some of the methods into practice. This is by far the most comprehensive book on sex selection I've ever read. You leave no stone unturned!

What I love best about the book is that every method imaginable is covered, allowing the reader to choose the method that is right for them. The methods are explained in such an easy-to-understand manner that it's possible to put them into practice right away. Everything from cost to success rate is disclosed, allowing you to make a really educated decision.

Thanks again, Liz. This book is a godsend. I'll keep you posted about whether I have that boy!

Dana R.

"All I want is a healthy baby." That's what I would say when my friends asked if I knew what I was having. And it was true. But after having three boys, and into my fourth pregnancy, I was harboring a secret--okay, not so secret!--desire to round out our family with a baby girl.

And then James arrived! I fell in love all over again and life was great.

But two years later we were 38 years old, and I felt as if it was time to add to our family again. But...this time...I really, really wanted a girl.

The only problem was, even though I knew my chances were 50/50, I had the feeling that if I rolled the dice I would end up with a basketball team. Not the worst thing in the world, certainly, but my mother had died earlier that year, and I yearned to duplicate our wonderful mother/daughter relationship. And I felt like this was my last chance.

So I talked to my obstetrician about ways to tip the scales in favor of having a boy or girl. That day I went home and spend hours scouring the internet, and do you know what I found out?

You don't need to roll the dice!

People have been using natural sex-selection techniques to influence the sex of their babies since the beginning of time, and some of the methods used today boast success rates over 80 percent!

And if those stats aren't good enough for you, some of the high-tech methods available today have a success rate of 100 percent! No, you didn't read it wrong.

...100 percent!

That's right--from the time of Ancient Greece, right through the Middle Ages, up until now, people have relied upon certain methods to get their baby boy or baby girl. These methods are not complicated and they are not difficult. Anyone can do them!

Even You.


What are the methods YOU can use to get the gender You want for Your baby?

This unprecedented book will explains in detail all the natural methods of sex selection including:

  • The Shettles Method
  • The Whelan Method
  • The Preconception Diet Method
  • The Lunar Method
  • The SELNAS Method
  • The O + 12 Method
  • The Lydia Pinkham Method
  • The Chinese Calendar Method
  • The Combined Method for Maximum Success

These methods are all cost-free, non-invasive, safe, and can be done in the privacy of your own home with no doctors or fancy medical equipment.

And, I'll tell you which of them is scientifically proven to be the most effictive of all the methods.

Now, I bet you are wondering which method I used. And here's the deal. As I researched and learned about each of these methods something became apparent.

I'll tell you what I discovered the secret to all these methods is so you can skyrocket your chances of success!

Warning: Don't Start Trying To Have Your Baby Boy or Girl Until You Read About Our Method For Maximum Success!

What Does Our Method for Maximum Success Entail?

  • How to chart and recognize ovulation.
  • At what point during your cycle to have intercourse if you want a boy.
  • When to have intercourse during your cycle if you want a girl.
  • Douching and gender selection.
  • Diet and gender selection.
  • Alkalinity vs. Acidity, and how they affect gender selection.
  • What sexual positions are best for making boys which are best for making girls.
  • Whether to have or avoid an orgasm during intercourse.
  • And much, much more!

Plus, I'll debunk one of the biggest and most talked about "techniques" for gender selection out there!

This so-called technique is the biggest myth in gender planning and it has been scientifically proven to be 50% effective.

Yeah, that's right, in gender planning, 50% effective means 0% effective. You're just rolling the dice.

Plus, I'll tell you the high-tech ways that won't cost you a fortune to virtually GUARANTEE you get the gender you want.

Some of the high-tech ways of doing gender prediction can cost you more than $20,000.

Sure, that's great if you're Bill Gates, but what about the rest of us?

This book will cover it!

Customer Testimonial:

Dear Liz,

This book is a treasure trove of information! I've read the whole thing from beginning to end, and love the way you compare the different methods.

My husband and I are going the high-tech route, and found the information invaluable. After reading your book we feel as if we know exactly what we're getting into, including what to expect during the procedure itself, cost, and success rate. We also loved the fact that you gave all the information regarding where to have these procedures done. I can't imagine how long it would have taken us to gather this information ourselves. How nice to have it right at our fingertips!

Thanks Liz! When our baby boy is born maybe we'll name him Lloyd Bennett!

Karen F.

These high-tech methods require medical intervention and have costs associated with them, but if you need stronger guarantees, I'll tell you where the best places are to get them done.

Click here to secure your copy of this life changing ebook now!

FREE Bonus

FREE Bonus:
($9.97 value)

Basil Body Temperature Chart:

My book will teach you how to keep track of your basal body temperature in order to chart and recognize ovulation.
This free chart will help you keep track of your cycle for optimal success.

The 100% Iron Clad, Money Back, No Questions Asked Guarantee

If you aren't 100% satisfied - I don't expect...or keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me within 56 days of your purchase and I'll happily give you a 100% refund

That's right, you have 56 days to see if the ebook helps. It's completely risk-free. I really DO NOT want to keep your money if your situation hasn't improved because of this book.

If you hurry, you can get this book at an amazing discount!

Starting Sun, February 16th, for one week, you can get the book at a huge discount.

In memory of the week we concieved our girl, I'm selling it for only .

Only 1 day left before the price goes back up to $59.95.

YES! I'm ready to have a BOY (or a GIRL).
Please include the bonus - Basil Body Temperature Chart
I understand that this price might only be good for one more day.

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(This price is only guaranteed until Feb 23, 2025)

All the Best,

Liz "Lizzy" Bennett

P.S. You have 56 days to try this ebook out, if you aren't satisfied, just return it. No questions asked. This is a risk-free trial.

P.P.S. After reading this book you'll have at least an 80% chance of getting the baby gender you want...if you follow what it says!


This book will change your life...guaranteed!